Weegy: Bernice cuts Marjorie's braids during the Epiphany of "Bernice Bobs Her Hair". He has to walk home in the rain. Weegy: Bernice cuts Marjorie's braids during the Epiphany of "Bernice Bobs Her Hair". He has to walk home in the rain. B. Here is Kay Gallant. He has seen his English teacher. Paul's face was white with thin blue veins under the skin. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. He has spoken with the singer. He has spoken with the singer. Add an answer. C. Weegy: A temperature of 20ºC is equivalent to approximately: 68ºF. D. Rating. He has seen his English teacher. His real life is so different from his dream. questions answered. He has spoken with the singer. He has seen his English teacher. Log in for more information. Expert answered|venne1890. D. Weegy: In "Paul's Case," Paul goes to work early because he didn't want to lose his job. Score 1 User: Which of the following characters would be considered an archetype? Weegy: Funny sidekick would be. the Missouri Compromise was illegal because it was illegal for Congress to deprive a slave owner of property (slaves) without the due process. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. B. His real life is so different from his dream. Expert answered|Score 1|debnjerry|Points 72776| User: Archetypes are a type of _____ that appear throughout history. He has spoken with the singer. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Weegy: A universal truth is one that readers recognize as timeless and familiar. Question. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. B. Score 1. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. His real life is so different from his dream. Score 1. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. C. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. He has spoken with the singer. B. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. He has seen his English teacher. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. Weegy: An epiphany is often defined as a SUDDEN INSIGHT. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. His real life is so different from his dream. B. He has seen his English teacher. Score 1. Expert answered|Jeromos|Points 7274|. He has to walk home in the rain. He has to walk home in the rain. His real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: When a poet changes the meter in a poem, it forces the reader to emphasize key words. D. Add an answer or comment. Expert answered|Score 1|debnjerry|Points 72776| User: Many authors help history come to life by including A. In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. weegy. He has to walk home in the rain. He has seen his English teacher. His real life is so different from his dream. B. His real life is so different from his dream. Add an answer or comment. " It was written by Willa Cather. The reason for this is because during a concert Paul experiences a euphoria or “delicious excitement” that is the “only thing he could call living at all” so much so that. Weegy: Bernice cuts Marjorie's braids during the Epiphany of "Bernice Bobs Her Hair". Asked 2/10/2022 8:37:28 PM. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. Rating. User: Many authors help history come to life by including A. Question. B. Added 3/10/2022 5:44:00 AM Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. Paul jumps in front of the train. Weegy: When a poet changes the meter in a poem, it forces the reader to emphasize key words. In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so. B. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. User: a “femme fatale” is what type of character? Weegy: A "femme fatale" is archetype character. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. Score 1 Log in for more information. C. He has spoken with the singer. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. Comments. He has spoken with the singer. Weegy: Many authors help history come to life by including anecdotes. Weegy: The following event in "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" is an example of an epiphany: Bernice suddenly understands how others see her. C. His real life is so different from his dream. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. 3. O B. B. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. In "Paul's Case," why does Paul go to work early? A. D. There are no comments. His real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: A wave with a period of 1 3 second has a frequency of 3 Hz. New answers. C. This was Paul’s fairy tale,” where he feels like a prisoner who has just set free from the stupidity and ugliness of everyday life. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. He has seen his English teacher. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. B. describing what happens at night—for example, in a dark basement. C. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Question. His real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: Science fiction is considered a genre of fictional literature. Expert answered|Janet17. He has seen his English teacher. Asked 2/10/2022 8:37:28 PM. In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. Score 1 User: What level of setting in a story takes place inside the character's mind? Weegy: Psychological level of setting in a story takes place inside the character's mind. |Score 1|Ishm|Points 30688| User: In the story “Paul Case,” why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from. Add an answer or comment. He has to walk home in the rain. Weegy: When reading an allegory, it's important to watch for things, events, and characters that act as symbols. Score 1. Weegy: The main idea of a poem is also known as the Subject. Question. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. subgenre C. Weegy: A child standing on a bus remains still when the bus is at rest. He has to walk home in the rain. He has to walk home in the rain. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: In "Paul's Case," Paul goes to work early because he didn't want to lose his job. Question|Asked by MelanyVL. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. B. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. He has spoken with the singer. He has spoken with the singer. He has seen his English teacher. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. His real life is so different from his dream. His real life is so different from his dream. He has seen his English teacher. getting information. New answers. Score 1 Log in for more information. Question. It recounts the tragic results of a boy’s desire to escape what he sees as a dull and. Score 1. After he left the meeting. User: Which of the following is characteristic of a character study In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. He has seen his English teacher. C. MsAnyaForger. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. New answers. Score 1 Log in for more information. Weegy: In "Paul's Case," Paul goes to work early because he didn't want to lose his job. Updated 43 minutes 40 seconds ago|5/29/2023 6:51:19 PM. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. Log in for more information. User: In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. Expert answered|Score 1|debnjerry|Points 72776| User: Many authors help history come to life by including A. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. In the story called "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because his real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. He has spoken with the singer. B. Score 1. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. There are no comments. Weegy: The climax in Willa Cather's short story "Paul's Case" is: Paul takes the train to New York. Bubonic plague is a deadly, very contagious disease carried by fleas and rats. C. There are no new answers. His real life is so different from his dream. B. He has to walk home in the rain. He has to walk home in the rain. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. Question. He has spoken with the singer. Question. In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: The acceleration of gravity is a constant equal to 9. C. C. When the bus moves forward and then slows down, the child continues moving forward at the original. He has spoken with the singer. He has spoken with the singer. Score . B. He has seen his English teacher. Weegy: The device you would use to most easily measure the illuminance on a surface is Light meter. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. He has spoken with the singer. Updated 6/20/2022 2:21:10 AM. 9669. User: what is mean in math Weegy: level of math your major requires, and where you feel most comfortable in math. In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. dates. He has spoken with the singer. New answers. Expert Answered. satire. He has spoken with the singer. C. He has to walk home in the rain. C. Updated 20 days ago|4/15/2023 12:40:37 AM. Weegy: A plot is often full of obstacles, referred to as: complications. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. He has spoken with the singer. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. His real life is so different from his dream. He didn't want to lose his job. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. |Score 1|debnjerry|Points 72811| User: what does foreshadowing provide the reader in a story Weegy: Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of. C. O B. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Score . There are no new answers. His real life is so different from his dream. His real life is so different from his dream. His real life is so different from his dream. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. dates. B. 3. Not Answered. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. B. He has spoken with the singer. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. He has seen his English teacher. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. Weegy: Twain's account of Colonel Rall's. Question. Weegy: Plagiarism is: borrowing without giving the original author credit. He has to walk home in the rain. Score 1 Log in for more information. His real life is so different from his dream. He has seen his English teacher. Weegy: The area of a square computer screen with 21-inch sides is 441 sq. The concert is an escape for. Weegy: A universal truth is one that readers recognize as timeless and familiar. The lack of autonomy that wealth could provide condemns Paul to a boring, sterile future. He has to walk home in the rain. In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: At the beginning of "Young Goodman Brown," Brown's wife says, "Pray tarry with me this night, dear husband, of all nights in the year. His real life is so different from his dream. 9767. Question. His real life is so different from his dream. B. Question|Asked by Xavierq1$ Expert Answered. Weegy: Hook the reader and present the general idea or definition of your subject. He has to walk home in the rain. purpose. Weegy: Satire uses humor to point out the flaws and foolishness of people and society. Expert answered|maimai. In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. His real life is so different from his dream. B. He has to walk home in the rain. Weegy: The acceleration of gravity is a constant equal to 9. tragicomedy. New answers. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. He has to walk home in the rain. He has seen his English teacher. His real life is so different from his dream. Expert answered|maimai. Score 1 User: Which of the following would most likely be a character study. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. Added 10/25/2020 12:21:09 PMIn the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. “Paul’s Case,” like all of Cather’s stories set in Pittsburgh, is “about the opposition between aesthetic aspirations and individualism, and the crushing, unimaginative orthodoxy of the bourgeois business world,” writes biographer Hermione Lee. 971| debnjerry |Points 72772| Log in for more information. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. Added 10/16/2020 12:47:03 PMIn the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. C. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: The first time Buck is beaten: He learns he has to obey men, but decides never to surrender inside. New answers. His real life is so different from his dream. He has seen his English teacher. B. B. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. parable. C. Score 1 Log in for more information. Updated 9/2/2020 7:01:13 PM. KevinWagner. D. Question. Comments. Score 1 Log in for more information. '; Popular Conversations. He wanted to wrestle with the other boys. D. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. Rating. B. Updated 6/20/2022 2:21:10 AM. His real life is so different from his dream. His real life is so different from his dream. B. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. He has spoken with the singer. C. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. Log in for more information. anecdotes. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. C. Question. He has seen his English teacher. He has seen his English teacher. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because his real life is so different from his dream. User: what is the difference between. B. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. C. User: In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. New answers. C. Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. education. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. D. His real life is so different from his dream. B. The concert is an escape for him as always and highlights the difference between reality and the dreamworld of the singers. B. D. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A. His real life is so different from his dream. [ ]. Question. User: In the story “Paul’s Case,” why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? Weegy: In the story "Paul's Case," Paul is irritated and wretched after the concert because: His real life is so different from his dream. His real life is so different from his dream. Weegy: The first time Buck is beaten: He learns he has to obey men, but decides never to surrender inside. C. In the story "Paul's Case," why is Paul irritated and wretched after the concert? A.